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New-Mama + Baby Group: June 4-18, T/Th

Join us for a new-mama & baby postpartum circle that includes movement time to support your postpartum healing followed by a sharing circle to talk about things postpartum: sleepless nights, babyfeeding, relationship stuff & and the excitement of bonding with baby and watching your little one discover the world and grow into their milestones!

This circle is designed to deepen your connection with your little one while being mindful and safe for healing postpartum bodies.

In this circle you will: 

*Enjoy the support of a circle of postpartum mamas

*Get to know your postpartum body through mindfulness, breath & self-care

*Movement designed to ease your new-mama aches & pains

Meets Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10am-1130am, June 4-18

April 24

FREE! Prepared to Push Birth Mini-Class

June 9

Couples Prenatal Yoga for Birth Prep - June 9